Module Memo.Init

Document creation cache

type output = Coq.State.t

For now, to generalize later if needed

val eval : token:Coq.Limits.Token.t -> input -> (output, Loc.t) Coq.Protect.E.t

eval i Eval an input i

val evalS : token:Coq.Limits.Token.t -> input -> (output, Loc.t) Coq.Protect.E.t * Stats.t

eval i Eval an input i and produce stats

val size : unit -> int

size () Return the cache size in words, expensive

val all_freqs : unit -> int list

freqs (): (sorted) histogram

val stats : unit -> Stdlib.Hashtbl.statistics

stats (): hashtbl stats

val input_info : input -> string

debug data for input

val clear : unit -> unit

clears the cache